Monday, February 27, 2012

My weight loss strategy

As the New Year begins people make the resolution to lose weight! This is a resolution that I myself have committed to. I have found several products from The Wellness Company that are helping me with my weight loss goal. I am using these great products to help with my workout routine.

 Attain® with Crave Blocker® Shake —Milk Chocolate
~ Naturally reduces hunger cravings with patent pending Crave Blocker®

~ Blocks cravings by naturally suppressing the hunger signals that come from your stomach and your brain

~ Contains no caffeine, other stimulants or hormones

I use this as a start to my day. Breakfast is hard becaus i'm always on the go so i take this with me.
Access® Exercise Bars – Chocolate Coconut Kraze
~ Access stored body fat faster

~ Increase endurance with less fatigue and soreness

Tastes better than any protein bar i have ever tired. I have so much energy when i use these that my workouts are easier. I feel more energized after my workouts thanks to the kraze bars.

SplasH2O™ - Raspberry
~ A sugar-free, zero-calorie drink mix that’s deliciously light and refreshing

~ A healthy alternative to high-calorie, high-sugar drinks like juice and soda

I love the flavors of this drink ! It is much better than other sports drinks.

I use these products for my everyday eating routine. The whole grains help keep me full and I do less snacking.

Simply Fit™ Crackers —Harvest Grain

~Satisfies your snack attack with a smarter choice

~ Made with 10 whole grains and seeds

~ Made with organic ingredients

Simply Fit™ Microwave Popcorn – Natural Butter 

~ Fresh and delicious gourmet flavor

~ 24 grams of whole grains per serving

~ 100% organic certified

Overall I love these products! They are made from whole grains or are organic. I am trying to also eat healthier and these taste great and are good for you. I have not found one that I haven’t enjoyed.

Octopus Craft

  • Single glove
  • Needle and thread
  • Dry rice
  • Hot glue
  • Large pom-pom
  • Buttons
  • Wire
  • Ribbon
  • Felt

1 .First, tuck the thumb inside the glove and use a needle and thread to sew it shut. Fill the glove with dry rice, or dry beans than tuck the cuff inside.
2. Stitch all along the cuff's edge, then pull the thread tightly to close the top.

3. Sew or hot-glue a large pom-pom to the top of the glove. At the base of the octopus -- where the glove's fingers attach to the palm -- pinch the sides together and sew a few stitches to hold them, as shown. This will help make the body rounder..
4. Attach buttons to the undersides of the four fingers with hot glue. Sew or hot-glue on button eyes and a felt mouth.

Other things you can add are

~Make earrings by threading stacks of buttons onto pieces of wire.

~Tie ribbon around the pom-pom for a head scarf

~Add a felt brim to the pom-pom for a hat.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Toxic Brew Alert - Are YOU causing your baby to be sick?

by Hero Mom

Harmful Household Cleaner Chemicals
I recently watched a video about toxins in our cleaning supplies and I was surprised and appalled at what the video revealed. (see below)

It is amazing to me that so many of the products that manufacturers claim are safe for children are filled with harmful chemicals or pesticides.  My recent article on Bleach No More : A Safer Alternative for Your Bathroom highlights the harmful effects of Clorox.

Toxic Household Products
I have made it my life's mission to find healthier cleaning products and also spread the news about harmful chemicals that affect our children. I decided to do more research on another well known household cleaner that I have used whenever I was sick or my kids were sickIf you have a child with asthma and/or upper respiratory problems please pay attention.

Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008 Alert
Did you know that many product manufacturers are now using the CPSIA (CONSUMER PRODUCT SAFETYIMPROVEMENT ACT OF 2008)!

According to wikipedia, CPSIA is a general law that imposes new testing and documentation requirements, and sets new acceptable levels of several substances. As of 2008, manufactures that produce apparel, shoes, personal care products, accessories and jewelry, home furnishings, bedding, toys, electronics and video games, books, school supplies, educational materials and science kits are under stricter guidelines.

The Act also increases fines and specifies jail time for some violations. This includes stricter guidelines on products with high lead content. Although the act focuses more on products for children not cleaning products - because kids do not use cleaning products.

For example, LYSOL® Antibacterial Kitchen Cleaner ingredients include: (for full listing click on link) displays the CPSIA on the other domain that lists all the ingredients of their products.

Water, Diluent, Ethanolamine, Phenoxyisopropanol, Lauramine Oxide, Fragrance / Parfum Fragrance Alkyl (67% C12, 25% C14, 7% C16, 1% C8-C10-C18) dimethyl benzyl ammonium chlorides,Dipropylene Glycol Phenyl Ether, Alkyl (50% C14, 40% C12, 10% C16) dimethyl benzyl ammonium chlorides,Ethanol.

I will pick one of the ingredients to show YOU that it is not safe (please note, most likely it is stated that the level of Ethanolamine in the product is not strong enough to be toxic.)

According to the Dept. of Labor, Ethanolamine (aka Ethylolamine) could cause irritation of eyes, skin, respiratory system; drowsiness; cough, sore throat, shortness of breath; headache; eye redness, pain, burns; skin redness, pain, severe deep burns; INGES ACUTE: abdominal pain, burning sensation; shock or collapse.

Toxic Brew
Do you know what the ingredients in your cleaning products mean?
The definition of ethanolamine is a clear colorless liquid with an odor resembling that of ammonia. Flash point 185°F. May attack copper, brass, and rubber. Corrosive to tissue. Moderately toxic. Produces toxic oxides of nitrogen during combustion.

I urge you to watch the Toxic Brew video and I will continue to update you on harmful products and how they affect your environment and the safety of your children. 

I am here to help you. I would be happy to research any of your household products or help you find a safer alternative, please email me at There is no charge for my help. I am doing this because I care.